Air raid this is not a drill
Air raid this is not a drill


  • In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Peak Performance", a combat drill and performance review is interrupted by an actual Ferengi attack.
  • Nobody was very surprised that the sync-operator (the guy that did the launching) was under stress.
  • Another story, Warriors of the Deep only had the computer of an underwater military base tell the crew whether or not it was a drill after they'd gone through the motions which would have launched the World War III Weapon of Mass Destruction missiles if it was not.
  • The Doctor Who episode The Hand of Fear used the more Britishly laconic "This is not an exercise!".
  • The explanation is reiterated in At All Costs when Haven attacks Manticore directly.

    The narrative takes a moment to inform the reader that Code Zulu means " Enemy Invasion Imminent" and it is never used in practices or war games to avoid Crying Wolf.

  • Honor Harrington: Near the climax of the first book, she sends a "Code Zulu" message back to Command.
  • air raid this is not a drill

    In Red Storm Rising, the crew of USS Pharris are told that as they are now in a shooting war, there will be no more drills.In Dan Abnett's Warhammer 40,000 Gaunt's Ghosts novel Blood Pact, Daur tells the other prisoners that it's a drill Rawne says, "It's not a drill." Later, when the Ghosts are put on active pending status, Dalin Criid questions whether it's a drill.

    air raid this is not a drill

  • Paul Carter's second book was named This Is Not A Drill partly for irony, because he's an oil driller, but mainly because he hears it for real in his first anecdote, where the crew are evacuating an oil rig in imminent danger of capsizing.
  • Has nothing at all to do with This Is Not A Pipe. Nothing makes people freeze like hearing 'Safeguard, safeguard, safeguard!' over the main broadcast. It's a distinctive word, and everyone knows what it means, so there is no need to remind people that 'This is not a drill'. Any genuine incidents are preceded by the word 'Safeguard'. There's also the Safeguard Rule - when this is in force, no mention is made of drills/exercises, and everything is announced as if it was real. The Royal Navy simply add a prefix - drills are preceded by 'For Exercise' three times. Other announcements are assumed to be real world.

    air raid this is not a drill

    Second Answer: In the US Air Force, training messages are preceded by the announcement, spoken or written: EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE. Thus, if a real emergency occurs while a drill is being carried out, the announcement "Actual casualty!" or "This is not a drill!" will be given to alert everyone. This would: 1) Mightily piss off everyone who works there, 2) Risk their deaths by suffocation if they can't get their emergency oxygen gear on in time, and 3) cost a whole heckuvalot to replace the Halon and emergency oxygen gear. For example: Triggering the engine room's Halon flood if there is not an actual engine fire. Typically an announcement is given throughout the ship before starting the drill (something like: "the ship is entering a training environment." or "This is a drill, this is a drill!") so that no one actually takes any actions which would be appropriate in an emergency but harmful otherwise. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.ĭeclaration that is invariably included in the announcements of any military emergency situation, prompting the question of just what (if anything) is said when it really is a drill.Īnswer: On modern warships, drills are conducted frequently to prepare the crew for some emergency situation or another. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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    air raid this is not a drill


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  • Air raid this is not a drill